Transactions Available on Owner Statements

Do you have questions about the property services transactions on your owner statement? Property services transactions pertain to maintenance work done by our in-house technicians or by third-party vendors. Watch the video below to learn more about the types of transactions you’ll see.

Descriptions for maintenance services remitted by our in-house technicians will include line items for general labor and general materials. Transactions pertaining to third-party services will be itemized by vendor name and a service description.

You may find two additional transactions associated with each third-party vendor transaction. This includes a 10% workers compensation discount. Our insurance requires that third-party vendors carry their own workers comp insurance. For vendors who do not, we are required to cover them. For this reason, we will withhold 10% from the invoice to cover this expenditure.

The second transaction associated with third-party vendors is the maintenance management fee. This will only apply if stated in your management agreement.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your property manager for assistance.