Can I Rent My Home If It Has a Swimming Pool?

Can I Rent My Home If It Has a Swimming Pool?

If you’re a landlord with a swimming pool on your property, you may be wondering whether listing the property as a rental is wise or even possible. The answer is yes but there are a few key considerations to remember.

While a swimming pool is a unique selling point and enhances the appeal of your rental property, it also comes with significant responsibilities. Today, we'll explore the most important elements to keep in mind to ensure safety, compliance, and peace of mind when renting homes with swimming pools.

Understand Property Owner Liability

Before embarking on your quest to find residents, it's crucial to understand your heightened property owner liability, especially if your rental property includes a pool. “Property owner liability” refers to the legal responsibility of property owners to ensure the safety of their premises and protect individuals from harm. Pools, in particular, pose significant liability risks as they have been the unfortunate site of many accidents, including severe injuries and drownings. Fortunately, as a landlord, there are proactive measures you can take to alleviate some of these concerns:

  • Fix resident concerns promptly to keep the pool safe.

  • Keep up with regular pool maintenance to prevent accidents.

  • Follow local pool safety laws.

  • Give residents a pool safety brochure in their welcome package.

  • Consider installing additional safety features like pool alarms or covers.

  • Offer a pool orientation for new residents to go over safety guidelines.

Secure Proper Insurance Coverage

Once you've acknowledged the added responsibility of renting out a property with a pool, the next step is to sort out your insurance coverage. Not all insurance companies will cover rental properties with swimming pools and it may take a bit of searching to find the right coverage, which is why it's one of the first things to tackle in this process.

Reach out to your insurance company and see what your coverage options are for a rental property that will include a swimming pool.

Pro tip: be very clear that it will be a resident, not the owner that will occupy the property and make use of the swimming pool!

Here are a few questions to ask your insurance provider:

  • Will my liability coverage be enough to safeguard against property damage and accidents related to the pool?

  • Does my insurance policy extend coverage to above-ground pool damage?

  • How does the policy handle damage to in-ground pools?

  • Are there any additional coverage options available for pool-related liabilities?

  • What steps can I take to reduce insurance premiums while ensuring adequate coverage for pool-related risks?

Again, ensure your provider understands exactly who will occupy the property so you get the right information. If they don’t cover your property with a pool, ask if they can recommend coverage options that apply to your situation.

Establish Lease Addendum Guidelines

Once you've sorted out your insurance coverage, it's time to make sure everything's crystal clear in your lease agreement. This means adding pool addendums to your lease and getting a signature from your residents. These addendums help set the tone for a smooth experience by setting expectations to ensure everyone knows their responsibilities.

Here are key points to include in your lease addendum:

  • Specify the importance of keeping the pool fence secure with the gate locked at all times for safety.

  • Emphasize the requirement for residents and their guests to adhere to the manufacturer's instructions for pool use.

  • Clarify that while you, as the property owner, will handle scheduled pool maintenance, residents are responsible for day-to-day upkeep.

  • Encourage residents to notify you of any necessary repairs or maintenance issues promptly.

  • Remind residents that pool use is at their own risk and explicitly state your exemption from liability for injuries sustained by residents, guests, or occupants.

Establish Regular Maintenance

Can I Rent My Home With a Swimming Pool?Once all the guidelines are set and everyone is on the same page, we highly recommend securing a regular pool maintenance service. At a minimum, ensure your regular pool service includes the following:

  • Checking the operation of the pump and motor to ensure it’s operating properly

  • Inspecting and cleaning the pool filter monthly

  • Testing for water hardness, pH, and dissolved solids

  • Adding chemicals as needed at least monthly

  • Checking and adjusting water levels as needed

  • Testing and maintaining chlorine levels or salt levels (depending on pool type)

  • Checking the filter pressure and backwash as needed

  • Removing debris from the surface and bottom of the pool

Why do we recommend you as the landlord and owner set up regular maintenance? The answer is simple, it leaves less room for error. If you leave this responsibility up to your residents, there is a higher chance that the service does not include everything it should, it is not set up as frequently as it should be, or potentially not at all. Don’t let your pool suffer the consequences, take care of maintenance upfront and save yourself the headache!

Consider Additional Safety and Education

The final step in covering all of your bases includes understanding safety and education that further protects your property, your liability, and your residents’ safety. These include:

Local Fence Laws

Some states and counties require barriers around pools to ensure safety. This means that even if you purchased your rental property without a wall, but it is required, you’ll need to install a fence yourself around your swimming pool before renting it out to anyone. Pay close attention to the specific laws in your area to determine any specifications, including height or materials, that must be considered when installing your fence.

Following these instructions is the law and will also help keep your residents safe. It is more than likely your insurance provider will check up to make sure you are in ordinance with any county-mandated laws as well.

Resident Education and Communication

Providing residents with pool safety guidelines and resources promotes safe pool usage. Landlords can also take proactive steps to educate residents about pool usage and responsibility by hosting a pool orientation session for new residents, where they walk them through important safety guidelines, emergency procedures, and maintenance responsibilities. Providing visual aids, such as posters or flyers, with essential pool safety tips can serve as helpful, daily reminders.

You should also encourage open communication by welcoming questions or concerns related to pool usage and promptly addressing any issues that arise. This ensures you are always in the loop and able to support your residents so they stay safe and so does your property.

Emergency Preparedness

Creating an emergency action plan for pool accidents or incidents is crucial to ensure everyone's safety and can help foster a trusting relationship between landlord and resident. You may consider training your residents in CPR and pool rescue techniques so they are not only prepared for emergencies but also confident in their ability to respond effectively. It's like having a safety net in place!

Final Thoughts: “Can I Rent My Home With a Swimming Pool?”

Renting a home with a swimming pool presents both opportunities and challenges for landlords. By understanding their responsibilities, maintaining adequate insurance coverage, establishing clear rules and expectations, prioritizing regular maintenance, complying with local regulations, promoting safe pool usage, and being prepared for emergencies, landlords can ensure safety, compliance, and peace of mind for themselves and their residents.

Do you have a rental property with a pool and want expert support navigating these steps? Consider Evernest as your property management partner! We have helped countless landlords protect their rental properties, pool or no pool.

Head to our website to find the Evernest team in your area and get started today!
